Discover The Stupid Simple Way To Design Extremely  

Powerful Workout Routines Based On Your Personal Specific Goals Leveraging The 80/20 Principle... Even If You Don't Have a Degree In Biomechanics Or Any Experience At The Gym!

Why You Need To Grab "Programme Design Made Simple" Bundle Today:

Discover The Most Effective Stupid Simple Way To Design Custom Tailored Workout Routines!  

STOP Relying On “Cookie Cutter” Routines That Do More Harm Than Good!  

Forget About Forking Out Hundreds Of Dollars To Hire Personal Trainers!  

Create Your Dream Workout Routine That Fits Your Goals, Aspirations, & Lifestyle!  

 From The Desk Of  Your Name,

Dear Friend,

We all know there are many great reasons to exercise—from improving energy, mood, sleep, and health to reducing anxiety, stress, and depression...

And maybe you've already tried working out and got simply overwhelmed because you didn't have a clear plan, a clear workout routine based on your specific goals, so you hit the wall and quit... (Happens way too often)

And maybe you’ve had some thoughts about hiring a personal trainer...

But let’s be honest - it's not always an option. Personal trainers are wildly expensive. 

The good ones are worth their weight in gold, creating awesome changes in a short period of time, but a dedicated trainer is still beyond most people’s budget.

However, that doesn't mean that just because you can't afford to hire a professional trainer you shouldn't get the benefit of an intelligent, well-designed program...

Designing A Workout Programme
Can Be A Daunting Task...

And for a very good reason!

Because honestly... There are countless ways to mess it up!

There are a lot of variables to account for: your body, goals, schedule, lifestyle, preferences, and training experience.  

There are a lot of different elements that have to be taken into consideration such as types of exercise, intensity, volume, and frequency.  

There are a lot of opinions and beliefs as to what’s best for building muscle, losing fat, or just improving overall fitness and wellbeing.  

So it's really not surprising at all that gyms all over the world are full of confused people doing all kinds of weird exercises and following strange and ineffective workout routines...  

And Not Getting Any Results Whatsoever... 

And of course, one could argue that exercise instructions and workout plans are just a click away...

But the reality is when it comes to workout routines "one size fits all" approach just doesn't exist...

And in fact, it can be more harmful than beneficial.

You see, training and fitness are all about individuality and specificity.

Thus, general workout routines that you can find on a random fitness website are going to be basic, and more of a stepping stone than a road map to your desired destination...

So I bet now you're wondering...

So How Do I Get a Custom Tailored Workout Routine
Without Breaking a Bank That Would Get Me Results?

Well fortunately for you, you don’t need a degree in biomechanics or spend hundreds of hours studying fitness materials or courses to build an effective workout routine.

The truth is you only need to know and apply a relatively small number of training principles to derive the majority of potential benefits from regular exercise.

Have you ever heard about the 80/20 principle?

Also known as the Pareto Principle, this rule suggests that 20 percent of your activities will account for 80 percent of your results...

The same thing applies to designing effective workout routines...

Out of all the possible knowledge, you could acquire about diet and exercise, 20% is going to deliver 80% of the results

Which is why I created a powerful training that will teach you everything you need to know about 20% of the information that delivers 80% of the results so you could immediately go ahead and design a super effective workout routine for your yourself!

A routine that will be a precise road map to your desired destination!


Programme Design Made Simple

Here's Exactly What You Are Getting Inside…

Module 1: “Progamme Design Made Simple” Book

It's a brand new premium guide to building highly effective workout routines.

“Programme Design Made Simple” is not just another book you can find on random sites online. This is dramatically different from anything you've ever seen because it's more of a "field guide" to creating your very own workout programmes.

Module 2: “Programme Design Made Simple” Checklist

As soon as you finish going through an amazing “Programme Design Made Simple” book, you can go ahead and print out this easy to digest checklist and keep it on the corner of your desk for future references, to make sure you don’t miss the most important aspects when creating your very own workout routine!

This checklist will be a great companion of yours!

Module 3: “Programme Design Made Simple” Cheat Sheet

A cheat sheet is a perfect tool that will help you digest and really understand the concepts that are inside of this book.

It breaks down every single aspect of the training into easily actionable steps that will allow you to implement everything you learn so much faster and smoother.

Module 4: “Programme Design Made Simple” Mind Map

With a quick glance over this mind-map, you will be able to see the mountain top view which will help you to stay on course, stay focused, and avoid getting overwhelmed.  

Module 5: “Programme Design Made Simple” Resource Report

Inside the resource report, you'll have access to the best tools, training, blogs, forums, and infographics… And all the resources that will help you improve your fitness game!  

Why You Need To Secure Your Copy Of 
"Programme Design Made Simple" RIGHT NOW!

Revealed Inside: Most up to date methods used by the world-class trainers to design custom-tailored workout routines.  

(The best workout is the one that you actually stick with) Find out how you can create workout routines that not only get you results — but routines you can also enjoy!  

Find out a simple way to take full control of your fitness goals and chisel a body you truly desire!  

The price is going up, and you run the risk of paying a lot more for this unique training if you try to come back and get this later!  

This is a Strictly Limited Time Offer!  

It’s Only Fair To Warn You…
This Is a Time-Sensitive Offer...

Keep in mind that this is a strictly LIMITED TIME discounted offer!

The price will jump significantly - likely to $97 in the near future...

The steeply discounted price on this page you are seeing right now is to encourage you to take advantage of this limited-time special offer.

In fact, if you exit right now and come back later, you will most likely end up paying more!

So take action now to enjoy this incredibly low one-time introductory price!


Look, I’m so confident this bundle will be a breath of fresh air to your lifestyle,  that after 14 days, you’re either THRILLED with the results this bundle brings you or...  

If you DON'T like the content inside this Bundle...        

If you're NOT head-over-heels about the results this product brings you...  

Or even if you're just having a bad hair day...  

Just shoot me an email and I’ll give you a full refund, no questions asked!

Yes, this bundle either gives you everything you're promised on this page, or you get your money back AND you get to keep all the bonuses for free.

No tricks. No gimmicks. None of that.

So if you’re interested, I only ask that you please act now…

I'm Sure You're Wondering... 

What Happens If You Choose Not To Get This Bundle!  

Well, I guess the answer is simple...


You'll keep on wasting your precious time trying to figure out how to create your very own workout routines...  Probably spend hundreds of dollars hiring personal trainers... 

And nothing will change.

If you're okay with that... then, of course, you should pass on this.

BUT, if you want to finally be able to create a highly effective workout routine yourself… A routine that is based on your personal goals and preferences... then I highly recommend you jump at this chance and grab this bundle RIGHT NOW.

To Your Success,

Your Name

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